CoPA Presents Vicki Reed
Tuesday, February 11 | Transfer Pizzeria Café 101 W. Mitchell Street
5:30 | Schmooze and Photo Feedback
6:30 | Announcements
6:40 | Short program: Carol Seline | Anamorphic lens
7:00 | Vicki Reed
Vicki Reed
Longtime CoPA member Vicki Reed will share her experience of being active in the photography field for more than forty-five years. Her work has been shown throughout the US, Europe and Asia, and has been featured in several magazines and books in the US and Europe. She will share some of her experiences as a daily news photographer before the digital age, as well as present a look at her work as it has evolved over the decades.
Above photos copyright © Vicki Reed
Carol Seline | Anamorphic lens
Carol will discuss her new creative tool – a 1.33x anamorphic lens. She will talk about the challenges, share some photos, and invite others to brainstorm ways to use this unique lens.
Photo Reviews
Beginning at 5:30, and going until the meeting starts, at 6:30, we will be holding photo reviews in small groups. Anybody who wishes to participate may bring three to five photos to share and discuss. Tablets or laptops are best, but prints work too. Join when you arrive, the earlier the better, and enjoy some food and drink at the same time!