CoPA Member Meeting | Tuesday June 11th

Transfer Pizzeria Café |  101. W. Mitchell St.

5:30 PM | Schmooze and Photo Feedback

6:30 PM | Announcements

6:40 PM | CoPA Short Program – Constructive Criticism & Feedback Fundamentals

7:00 PM | Portfolio Project Peer Review

Portfolio Project Peer Review

As we prepare to break for the long-awaited, much-anticipated Wisconsin summer, we invite CoPA members to share their progress thus far in our ongoing portfolio project. We’ve received great feedback from meeting attendees participating in breakout groups during the schmooze portion of the evening, and have decided to dedicate time and open the floor for wider feedback.

Members are invited to submit up to 5 images for presentation and peer review at this meeting. Depending upon the response and time allowed for the meeting, we estimate members will have 5 to 7 minutes to present their portfolio journey thus far. Here’s a rough approximation of how to break down your time given a 6-minute window:

  • Intro | 30 seconds | Touch on your approach to the project, vision for the completed project, and any speed bumps or questions you’d like specific feedback about.
  • Presentation | 1 to 1.5 minutes | Cycle through your images, 10 seconds per image to give us time to familiarize ourselves and explore the content is plenty, you may receive requests to go backward or forward in your image cycle as we process in our minds.
  • Feedback/Critique | 3 to 4 minutes | At the end of your presentation a “contact sheet” slide will come up on the screen so that we can view the series as a group of images. If you have any questions or would like specific insights, now is the time to ask us. When you’re ready you may open the floor for attendees to comment, critique, or ask questions.


That’s it! Feel free to have a notebook handy for yourself, and to ask questions of those offering feedback. This will be an open dialogue on all sides and allow us to learn from each other. By the end of the evening, we will depart for our summer adventures imbued with insights and inspiration to bring into our autumn and winter sessions.

If you’re interested in presenting at the meeting, please fill in the form below and submit your work/portfolio in progress by 11PM on Sunday, June 9th. As always, if you have any questions or encounter technical difficulties, please contact [email protected]


CoPA Short Program | Feedback Fundamentals

Our portfolio project is an ongoing process, and as we delve deeper into this cycle and continue to rely on one another, it behooves us to answer the question “How can we do this better?” As the lead-in to our Peer Review & Feedback long program, we’ll take a deeper dive into our current critique process and guidelines via a selection of curated videos and content centered on best practices. If you’ve stumbled upon a gem you find value in and would like to share it, please send a link to [email protected].


Please Note:

Before you fill in the form below, please make sure that your image files are named properly so that we can locate them, know to whom they belong, and please number them at the beginning of the file name so that we don’t lose the order in which you would like them shown.

Example: 1_CHansen_Kevin Did It.jpg / 2_CHansen_Evidence.jpg / etc.

ONLY jpg or .jpeg files will be accepted by the submission form. Visit the resources linked below for how-to information.